Easter, Passover and San Francisco
Chef Andy Nighbor is on assignment this week – it’s a tough one. We sent him to San Francisco to check out the food scene there and bring some new ideas back to Fresh Madison Market and his popular cooking classes. He will be traveling to most of the hot dining spots, talking with local chefs about their creations and discuss the new trends.

He is writing a blog about his trip and you can read the first one by clicking here! Here’s an excerpt:
“Our mission: experience all that the city has to offer in food, wine, and culture. As a couple of midwesterners, San Francisco is a place that has been on our bucket list as it is known for its culinary inventiveness and classic cuisines. With only four days to explore the city we knew this might be a challenge but we are going to take it on, one bite at a time!”
It is Holy Week as well as Passover and we will have all the food items needed to make both holidays perfect. Check out our specials this week for more on our Easter Specials and be sure to swing by our store to check out our kosher products for Passover. Don't forget our weekly coupon as well!
Don’t forget about 2 great events we are a part of this year: the UW Wellness Expo Saturday April 6th and Crazy Legs – sign up now!