Make Sure You Can See Our Weekly Specials & Coupons!
We have had a few people ask us why our Weekly Specials page wasn’t updating or our Weekly Coupons page as well.
They have been updating every week on Monday mornings, but there used to be an issue with our website that we have fixed. Basically, if you had visited our site previously and gone to the Weekly Specials page or Weekly Coupon, the page was cached in your computer and whenever you went back, your browser just brought up the cached page because it was faster.
This also happened if you bookmarked the Weekly Specials page or the Weekly Coupon page. If you are seeing an old page, just refresh your browser and the updated page will pop up!
Also, we are very excited to be nominated for Best Grocery in Madison Magazine’s 2013 Best of Madison Awards. You can vote once a day until February 28th. Click the link to see the ballot and please, vote for us! Thank you for your support!