November 1, 2013
Madison has always been a city devoted to small businesses; our neighbors buy from local stores, eat at family-owned restaurants, and many own small businesses themselves. Not only do the people of Madison support local businesses, but these businesses have made a commitment to supporting the city and its people; a fact we have always been proud of.
October 28, 2013
One Day Sushi Sale On Tuesday October 29th, be sure to swing by Fresh Madison Market for our One Day Sushi Sale! All sushi items will be 15% off – no coupons needed…just your appetite!
September 23, 2013
Fresh Baked Goods, Locally Made
September 16, 2013
Watch and Win!
September 9, 2013
Need a quick way to get around? We want to help! New Belgium Brewing and Wisconsin Distributors and Fresh Madison Market have a bicycle for you! The makers of Fat Tire gave us a bike to give away…and that giveaway starts today!
September 3, 2013
Start of Something New! We hope everyone is having a great summer! Welcome back and hello to the new folks!
August 26, 2013
Celebrate the last holiday weekend outdoors and bring some great food from Fresh Madison Market with you!
August 19, 2013
Need a Part-Time Job?
August 12, 2013
The Wisconsin Grocers Association surprised Jeff Maurer on Friday August 9th with the 2013 Grocer of the Year Award. Presented annually, the award is given to a WGA member who makes significant contributions to the industry and community.
August 5, 2013
You have all the summer berries you love and you’re staring at some bottles of wine at the store. Which ones will go together for that upcoming dinner you are making for friends? Don’t worry! Chef Andy will help you make that decision!
